Setup Guide
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm® Treo™ Smartphone
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................1
What do I need to get started?.....................................................................3
Chapter 2: Setup Instructions.................................................4
Before you begin...........................................................................................4
Step 1: Install the updated Palm software..................................................5
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect desktop application....................7
Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry service......................................................10
Chapter 3: Common Questions............................................12
BlackBerry Connect™ for Palm Treo™ smartphones
In this chapter
BlackBerry Connect for the Palm
Treo 650 smartphone integrates the
Calendar and VersaMail® applications
on your smartphone with your
corporate BlackBerry Enterprise
What do I need to get
With BlackBerry Connect™, email
messages and Calendar events are
pushed from the server to your
smartphone. Likewise, any messages
you send or events you create are
pushed to the server.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Key Term
Push Technology in
which a server
BlackBerry Connect™ offers the following features:
automatically delivers
information (such as
email messages) to a
device; the user does not
need to do anything to
retrieve the information.
Push email, Calendar events and meeting invitations BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ pushes
messages, events and invitations it receives onto your smartphone. Likewise, when you compose
an email message, enter an event in Calendar, or reply to a meeting invitation on your
smartphone, the new entry is pushed to the server. See “Your Inbox” in the BlackBerry Connect™
User Guide for details.
Wireless reconciliation When you delete or change an email message or event on your
smartphone, the change is reconciled to (updated on) the server and your desktop. See “Your
Inbox” in the BlackBerry Connect™ User Guide for details.
Key Term
Reconciliation Process
in which changed info on
your smartphone is
automatically updated on
the server and your
desktop; the user does
not need to do anything
to upload the info to the
Remote Address Lookup When addressing an email message, you can search for and retrieve
email addresses on your corporate Exchange or Domino server. See “Remote Address Lookup” in
the BlackBerry Connect™ User Guide for details.
Attachment viewing You can view downloaded attachments either in an application that came
with your smartphone or in BlackBerry Attachment Viewer. See “Viewing attachments” in the
BlackBerry Connect™User Guide for details.
BlackBerry Connect™ preferences BlackBerry Connect™ contains account-specific preferences that
allow you to customise your experience. See “BlackBerry Connect™ preferences”in the BlackBerry
Connect™User Guide for details.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
What do I need to get started?
What do I need to get started?
See I do not know what
my default mail client is.
[ * ]
NOTE If you have a Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync account in VersaMail, you are prompted
to delete it during BlackBerry Connect™ account setup. For information on deleting an email account
in VersaMail, see the VersaMail User Guide, a PDF file available for download from the same
website from which you downloaded the BlackBerry Connect™ software.
for information on
checking and changing
your default mail client.
Computer system requirements
• Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system.
To check for available
space on your
smartphone, go to
• 30MB available hard disk space.
Applications and select
Info on the App menu. At
the bottom of the screen,
select Size. The first
number on the Free
Space line tells you how
much space is available
on your smartphone. If
you need more space, see
I need to delete
applications to increase
the memory on my
• Outlook 2003 or Lotus Notes 6.5 set as the default mail client on your computer.
• Palm Desktop software that came with your smartphone installed, and at least one
synchronisation of your smartphone and your computer completed.
Smartphone requirements
• 4MB available memory space. If you don’t have enough memory, delete some applications—for
example, other email applications, or games or other applications you may not use frequently.
• Latest smartphone software from your wireless carrier installed and running. To obtain the latest
Network and server requirements
• An account on your company’s BlackBerry Enterprise Server™. Check with your IT administrator if
you’re not sure if you have an account.
• A BlackBerry data plan with your wireless carrier. To sign up for this type of plan, contact your
carrier’s customer service department
• An active connection between your computer and your company’s network during the
installation process.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Setup Instructions
In this chapter
Here are the three steps required to set up your computer to work with BlackBerry
Connect for the Palm Treo 650 smartphone:
Step 1: Install the updated
Palm software
• Step 1: Install updated Palm software, including current versions of the
VersaMail® application and Calendar.
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry
Connect™ desktop application
• Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect desktop application.
Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry®
• Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry service to work with Calendar and VersaMail on
your smartphone.
[ * ] NOTE
For troubleshooting tips on problems that occur at any point during or after the
installation process, see I went through the installation procedure, but I am not receiving any
email messages on my smartphone.
Before you begin
• Make sure that your computer, your smartphone, and the network meet the requirements
described in What do I need to get started? before installing BlackBerry Connect .
• Make sure you know which email system your company uses: Microsoft Exchange® or Lotus
• Synchronise your smartphone with your computer to make sure that all your Calendar events
are current on your computer and can be retrieved by the server. When you install BlackBerry
Connect , all events are purged from your smartphone. When you synchronise after installation,
all events on the server are sent to your smartphone.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 1: Install the updated Palm® software
Step 1: Install the updated Palm software
During the first part of
installation, the following
software is installed:
Download the BlackBerry Connect software. Double-click the BBInstaller.exe
icon on your computer desktop.
• An updated version of
the VersaMail application
• Updated versions ofthe
personal information
management (PIM)
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
Select your username from the
list, and then click Next.
including Calendar
• Required security
• Components necessary
for the software to work
with your BlackBerry
Enterprise Server™
Key Term
Personal information
management (PIM)
applications Software
that helps you organise
your personal
information, including
the Contacts, Calendar,
Tasks, and Memos
Select the option to accept the license agreement. The installation process
Connect your computer and your smartphone to the USB sync cable.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 1: Install the updated Palm® software
Leave your computer and
your smartphone
Synchronise to install the
updated software on your
smartphone. Press the sync
button on the USB cable. In the
dialog box that appears on your
computer, click the Select an
existing user account button,
select your username, and then
click OK.
connected to the sync
cable after synchronising
in step 6, because you
need to synchronise
again later in the
installation process.
When prompted, select the Reset button on your smartphone screen.
[ ! ] IMPORTANT Installation is not finished! Please be patient. After you complete installation
of updated Palm software, there may be a delay of a few minutes before your computer displays
the screen for the second part of installation, in which you install the BlackBerry Connect desktop
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect™ desktop application
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect desktop
On the Congratulations! screen,
click Next. A Prepare to Install
screen appears and the desktop
application installation process
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
On the Country or Region Selection screen, keep the default setting of USA
(English). Click Next.
Select the option to accept the End User License Agreement, and then
click Next.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect™ desktop application
Did You Know?
The username you enter
on the Customer
Information screen can
be anything you want.
On the Customer Information
screen, enter a username and
your company’s name. Keep the
default Anyone who uses this
computer setting. Click Next.
You do not need to enter
anything on the Choose
Destination Location
Leave the screen in step 7
open if you need to go ask
your system
administrator which
email system your
company uses. If you click
Cancel, you’ll need to run
setup again from the
Click Next on the Choose Destination Location screen.
Select your company’s email
system—either Microsoft
Exchange or Lotus Domino—and
then click Next.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect desktop application
Click Yes to place a shortcut to BlackBerry Connect Desktop on your computer
Click Finish.
[ ! ] IMPORTANT Installation is not finished! Please be patient. After you complete installation
of the BlackBerry Connect desktop application, there may be a delay of a few minutes before your
computer displays the screen for the third part of installation, in which you set up the BlackBerry
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry® service
Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry® service
I need to turn my
phone on.
if you do not
know how to turn on the
phone on your
Make sure that the phone on your smartphone is turned on and is within a
coverage area, as indicated by a tower icon with signal-strength bars
top of your smartphone screen.
at the
Did You Know?
When you finish
When the Complete BlackBerry
Connect Setup screen appears
on your computer, press the sync
button on the USB sync cable.
BlackBerry® service setup,
an entry is added to the
Start > Programs menu
named Set up BlackBerry
Connect .If you complete
[ ! ] IMPORTANT Do not close
the screen on your desktop
during BlackBerry® service setup.
If you do, installation might not
complete successfully.
the installation process
but your BlackBerry
Connect account isn’t
successfully set up, you
can select this entry to try
account setup again.
During synchronisation, wiggle the mouse from side to side a few times to
generate a random security key.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry® service
Did You Know?
Clicking Yes to upload
your desktop calendar
loads all events currently
on the server to your
smartphone. Depending
on the number of events,
the process may take a
few minutes.
When asked whether you would like to proceed
and upload your desktop calendar to your device,
click Yes.
[ ! ] IMPORTANT You must click Yes in order for
server push of Calendar events to work correctly.
On the Congratulations! screen, click Done.
The BlackBerry® service is now set up on your smartphone. Press the Messaging button on your
smartphone to open your BlackBerry Connect account Inbox. See the BlackBerry Connect User
Guide for information on using the application.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Common Questions
I do not know what my default mail client is.
To check your default mail client and change it if needed, follow these steps:
After you delete an
application from your
smartphone, synchronise
to remove the app from
the Backup folder on your
1. For Windows 2000 and Windows XP (Classic View), in the Control Panel, click Internet Options.
For Windows XP (Category View), in the Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections,
and then click Internet Options.
2. Click the Programs tab.
3. The E-mail option displays the default email client. If you need to change this, click the box and
select the correct client.
4. Click OK.
I need to delete applications to increase the memory on my
1. Go to Applications
2. Open the menus
3. Select Delete on the App menu.
4. Select the Delete From pick list and select Phone.
5. Select the application that you want to remove.
6. Select Delete.
I need to turn my phone on.
Turning on the phone is different from waking up the screen on your smartphone. If the phone is
on, a tower icon
appears at the top of your smartphone screen. If this icon does not appear, you
need to turn on the phone, as follows:
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
Common Questions
1. If your smartphone screen is dimmed, briefly press Power/End
to wake up the screen.
2. If you see a Keyguard alert, press Center
on the 5-way navigator to turn off Keyguard.
Look at the signal-
3. Press and hold Power/End to turn on the phone.
strength bars in the
connection icon in the
title bar of any screen to
see if you have a good
data connection. More
bars means a stronger
I went through the installation procedure, but I am not receiving any
email messages on my smartphone.
• If you have not received any email since you set up your BlackBerry Connect account, note that
this account does not push any old email messages to your smartphone; only new messages
existing on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server are pushed. Try sending a message to your
BlackBerry Connect account to test whether the account is receiving messages.
If your computer was not
connected to your
• Make sure the phone on your smartphone is turned on, and that you have a good data
connection to your wireless carrier’s network.
corporate network during
installation, the account
is not set up and you need
to set up the account
• Make sure that the BlackBerry® service is turned on.
• Check with your IT administrator to make sure that you have an account on your company’s
BlackBerry Enterprise Server .
• If you recently established a data plan with your wireless carrier, note that it can take a day or
longer for the plan to be activated. Check with your wireless carrier to see if your data plan is
• If you cannot fix the problem by following the steps above, try to set up the BlackBerry Connect
account again. On your computer, select Start, navigate to Programs, navigate to the Palm
program group, and then select Set up BlackBerry Connect . Repeat the installation steps and
then try sending or receiving email messages again.
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm Treo™ 650 smartphone
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